After the framing was complete, ran all the electric for the 3 rooms along with some speaker wire to the outside walls where the audio equipment will sit. All equipment except for the projector will be in a bay that extends from the theater in to the utility area of the basement. All wiring will be brought there and will have access to the rear of the equipment for the connections. Should also be able to add ventilation to that area to keep the equipment cooler as well.
Projector will be installed on a ceiling mount, just behind the first row of seats and just below the drop down ceiling we'll be installing.
Here are a few pictures of the progress. You can see Deago found the riser a comfortable spot to rest during a break in the work, he likes to be where the action is. Fourth picture shows the opening to the equipment area. The drywall is up on all the walls and has the first coats of plaster. We're still finalizing the final finish for the walls but hope to make more progress in a couple of weeks.
The last picture shows a trial run of the theater. It was sitting on a table in the room and projected on to the drywall, you may recognize a scene from Avatar! Screen size will be 106".