We're using board and batten siding on the shop/garage building and have started getting this put up. I'm trying to put a couple of coats of stain on the siding to match the house before I install it- plan will be to do a final coat or at least touch it up once all the siding, soffits, and trim work is completed.

Pictures show the progress, the front and the back were relatively straight forward, siding is in 10' lengths on these sides and up to 16' on the ends. On the lower portion of the building around the garage doors, I'm going to use the same siding horizontal for the lower portion- I'll put a rabbet in the bottom of the siding so it can overlap a bit for water protection, hope to start that portion next week.
The final set of siding boards were stained this week and ready for install. You can see that the terrain and height of the building on the ends makes a bit of a challenge, especially working alone. A few years back, for another project, I installed a set of levelers on my extension ladder and they have worked well. Basically, the two legs work in unison using a ratchet mechanism so that when one leg moves up, the other moves down to end up with both sides of the ladder firmly placed on the ground. You can see the extensions in the fourth picture if you click to enlarge it. I'm going to put up all the siding before I start on the trim and soffits- the last steps will be to put on the battens to cover the vertical seams between each board.
The last picture shows the jig I'm using to set the siding on the ends of the building, this is attached to the wall with screws at the appropriate level for the bottom of the siding boards. I can set the board on the jig holding it steady and level with one hand and then put a couple of nails in it with the nail gun. From there, just a matter of setting and climbing the ladder to finish nailing all the way up. I can put up 3 boards before I have to remove the screws and move the jig to the next section.
The gap at the top of the ends above the vertical siding will have horizontal siding just like on the back. Had to do this because I could only get 16' siding boards locally and didn't want to have a seam to cover with trim.
All in all, we're moving forward. I plan to install electric and insulate the shop over the winter months and hopefully will have the outside done before the weather turns bad.