Our log house is officially complete! The building inspector made his inspection on Wednesday and only had a couple of minor items he asked to be changed- final occupancy permits are to be issued to us right away! On Tuesday, the propane company had been to the house to install the regulator for the propane service to power our cook top and generator.
While waiting for the inspector to come to the house, Dave T. (electrician) completed the hookup for the back up generator and ran it through a test. Everything went as planned. The unit senses the loss of main power to the house and after about a 10 second wait, the propane fired generator starts up and then switches to power the house circuits. While the unit is providing power to the house, we're automatically disconnected from the main power feed. This is a safety issue so that none of the power from the generator is showing up on the main power lines where someone might be working. Once power restores, after a short waiting time, the generator shuts off and switches back to the utility power.
The unit will also test itself weekly but running for a few minutes without actually switching the circuit to power the house, this way you'll know if something should go wrong. We figured having a back up was a good idea given we're the last house on about a mile long electrical extension that in the event of a widespread outage, might be a low priority for restoring.