Lots of progress over the last week. Both the garage/shop and house foundations have been completed, pouring went great and the foundations look good. Very precise and the forms had a brick pattern on the outside which looks good as well. The backfilling is complete around the garage and the driveway is nearly at the final grade.
The Adams Concrete c

rew did a great job on the foundations, here's a shot of the forms being removed on the house.
This picture shows a view standing inside the house foundation and looking towards the walk out side of the basement. Basement walls are 9 1/2' high in the house and 10' high in th

e garage.
All the conduits for the utilities have been run to the phone and electric poles so moving right along. The septic/pump tank was also delivered and set last week so this will be in place before the grading and backfilling around the house starts.
At the end of the day, the first of 3 deliveries that make up the log kit arrived! Once the subfloor on the house is completed, log stacking will begin. We hope to see that started the week of 3/29.
Here's a shot of the logs arriving and being unloaded. All in all, a very busy and productive week of progress. Will try to add a couple of videos of the work later.